Interior & Exterior Painting
Whether you need the entire front of your house painted, or windows and frames, or just your front door given a new coat of paint, or perhaps your walls inside need a refreshment, our team are ready to help with any query.
What do we offer:
10 years of experience covering Maryland, Virginia, Washington DC
Interiors and exteriors
No hidden costs
Residential and commercial
Efficient, tidy and professional
Our interior painting and decorating work
Our expert painter decorators are ready to help with any type of decorating work inside your property:
Emulsion on walls and ceilings
Priming, undercoating and top coating woodwork
Hanging wallpaper and lining paper
Stripping wallpaper
Painting windows, doors and frames
Stripping paint from wood surfaces
Sanding and staining floorboards
Patch repairs to damaged walls
Plastering and tiling